I’m a person who thrives with new, exciting challenges. I make a tonne of projects, get bored, walk away and start another. So it’s no surprise that I started a little blog ten years ago aptly titled “Well Done Chef,” only to let it languish to nothing.
In the beginning, I read everything I could get my grubby little hands on about the subject of “Blogging,” “making a living blogging,” and even better, “How to make a six-figure-income blogging.” I know that I’m supposed to “find a niche” and “blog the hell out of that” and “provide value” making “evergreen content.”
It’s no wonder that in ten years I’ve made approximately one thousand dollars writing. I realize I probably won’t get rich doing this. Dianne Jacobs said that I won’t. But that was never my intention. Why would I even bother?
I teach because I just fucking love cooking that much.
Also, I swear. A lot. What can I say? I love swearing. Don’t like it? This ain’t the place for you.
So, I’m sharing what I know, the way that I know how, and how I would like to teach you. I promise you that I’ll end up saying shit that ruffles some feathers. If I ever got called out on something, and found out I was wrong, then not only is it a teaching moment for me, it’ll be for you too.
Instead, I want to show you what I know, pass on some of the tricks I’ve learned acquiring that knowledge, tell a few fucked up stories, and show you what it’s really like in a kitchen.
I’ve been collecting cookbooks in spurts since I get serious about cooking. I have so many hard (and digital) cookbooks, I seriously don’t think I could read through all off them. So you can expect a “what’s in my shelf” (and links back to the Amazon) with my honest review of the book.
I’ll share my recipes, but with an eye to showing you how they are done, the thinking behind it. Any asshole can put a bunch of recipes online. Thousands already have. All of this to say that going to just be a (food) writer, WGAS if I make a shit tonne of money?
I’m doing this because I fucking love to cook.