I Need Help Parenting, My Lack-of-Preparation-fu is Gateway to Father Son Bonding.

Turns out that I needed help with my parenting. Hey, I’m one that can admit that I have faulted, made a mistake, or need improvement in areas. Admitting that is the first step to fixing it, I think.

So, my homework is to spend more quality time with my son. I’m to figure out three things to try and do together, and since my time is limited with my son due to my work schedule, it’s going to be every morning, plus the weekends.

Here I have a list of things that I figure we need to either get on the go, or would like to do:

  • We need to walk our dog.
  • We fucking need some more exercise.
  • He needs to learn to ride a bike.
  • I’d like to hike, and do things outdoorsey…e.g. fish?
  • For the love of fuck, we need to renovate our basement.
  • We also need to fix the back yard. Garden?

Sundays will be special time to devote to bonding exercise. It could be to tackle a project together, or maybe a hike/movie, etc.

Suivant! Next!

Basically this ^^

Before, when I worked in kitchens, I had a lot more ambition to make things from scratch. Now that I am in a different field, I’ve seemed to lack focus. Lately I find myself just buying some bullshit takeaway on Saturday, and then maybe I make an effort on Sunday. I know that I want to learn simpler fare, but with the finesse that comes from someone with a Nonna-level experience.

When I am thinking about gardening, I’m thinking that perhaps getting back to basics with growing herbs, tomatoes, and garlic will be the ticket to getting my son more involved with family, exercise, and learning to figure out how to do things by himself. How will I overcome my procrastination.

I know! Ask me tomorrow!


I think that having a goal to get it done will also help with the raison d’être for why I would want to do the project in the first place. Bonus! I get to bond with my son!

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