Day 3: Why not Papa Sandemano’s Chicken Burger Instead?

I’m tired. I don’t even want to write this post in character—perhaps it’s the humidity short-circuiting my dopamine boost from cooking. But, I. Just. Don’t. Want. To.

I was ready to go to McDick’s, and order the usual; a waist-expander Double Quarter with Cheese.

Someone once commented to me that they could not believe that I, someone with a lot of cooking knowledge, would choose to eat a Double-Quarter-Cheese.

I mean. Really? There was a McDick’s down the street from my high-school. I never had the money—the 7-11 kitty-corner to the front steps got my money most often-either from Slurpees, or Mortal Kombat.

It’s easy to eat, and you know it’s going to taste the same, no matter what. It’s easy. You only have to work an hour for it. A decent trade? But if you have a family, then you’re trading two or three hours.

If you’re like me, you own an Air-Fryer. The rest is just building a sandwich. Something I would like to teach.

Bonus is, I am not giving my money to that Retired Clown, and I’ll use it to chip away at our debt instead. …and it just tastes better.

It’s been a hectic day. I’m heading to the sack. Until tomorrow you awesome bunch of degenerates! 😉

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