Day 8: Full Buck Moon Writing Prompt (Ritual)

In ‘Moon Magic: Your Complete Guide to Harnessing the Mystical Energy of the Moon,’ the full moon is celebrated as a time to see the results of the intentions set during the New Moon. It’s a moment to bask in your accomplishments, get that much-needed dopamine fix, and reflect on the good in your life.

This is the book I’m talking about. (Affiliate link because I want to make

I’m talking about ‘Moon Magic’ (and yes, one day I’ll put an affiliate link here because who doesn’t want to make a little extra cash?).

I’m a proper noob with all this ‘Moon Magic.’ I’m supposed to use a Rainbow Moonstone and Tuscan Sun scent for this ritual. Don’t worry, I haven’t joined a lunar cult (yet). It’s just that the moon cycle is a constant, and I think it meshes well with my ADHD. All I have to do is look up and see where I am in the mont

Dopamine fix and Ritual

See, what I’m looking for is that Dopamine fix, and to lock in the feelings of accomplishment through tangible means—so I’ll stick to Morning DUMP, FOCUS, meditation, journaling, music.

Ah, music. Lately I have been on a ‘90s kick, so seeing this meme on Facebook was a light kick in the nuts: (I’m officially old? When did that happen?)

Ugg, get out of my head!

Whatever, with the power of music and Mandarine Cookies, here is the Full Buck Moon journal (ritual): 

What have I accomplished this cycle?

  • Fixed front gate. I managed to simplify it, so it was even easier to fix than I had anticipated. Bonus!
  • Project drapes. I installed all the drapes, and even threw in cleaning the windows (removing sticker residue too)
  • Because of that Project window advances. The only thing left is the rocks in the basement wells.
  • Relaunched my website + SM (Papa Sandemano). Even though right now it’s just this challenge, it’s something.
  • Implemented my digital brain at work. I started taking more notes and making sure my notes match between devices.
  • Dealt with the humidity in the basement. It cost a lot for a little machine but it should help deal with the moisture.
  • Cleaned up back yard. It’s not perfect but it’s better. Now how to paint the tires for planters?
  • Went on a date weekend with my wife to Albany, New York and got to see Dave Matthew’s Band. It was an amazing trip with her.
  • Lost five more pounds, and am down ten in total. I can’t believe it. All I am doing is eating less.

What am I most grateful for?

  • I’m grateful for the tools to manage my ADHD and anxiety, especially the Morning DUMP and FOCUS routines. My family, especially my amazing wife, and great friends like Brendan and Alison, Julie and Gee, who make life richer. And of course, cooking up delicious creations with my son, like Frank’s Buffalo Tofu and Chicken roadkill burger with Minted Watermelon and Feta, and Spinach and Fiesta Cheese Frittata with salsa, bacon, and hash browns.
A photo of Frank’s Buffalo Tofu and Chicken roadkill burger with Minted Watermelon and Feta. It was delicious.
I know it’s tofu (mostly) but I DON’T CARE because it TASTES GOOD.
A photo of Spinach and Fiesta Cheese Frittata with medium salsa, bacon, hash brown. Tasty!
Made from items that needed to go, this breakfast was delicious.

Plans for the next phase?

  • Keep up the Morning DUMPs.
  • Keep chipping away at the Obligations lists. It will get done.
  • Make and update the list daily. Keep chipping away at it.
  • Slow it down a bit. Think things through. Nervous energy doesn’t facilitate a good outcome.
  • Use the new tools to FOCUS.
  • Cook more with my boy.
  • Continue my challenge. Because I’m a writer now.

Check another day off. It’s late.

À demain!

Final Thoughts: Your writing has a unique voice that shines through, making the post engaging and fun. With a few adjustments for clarity and flow, it will resonate even more with your readers. Keep embracing your humor and authenticity-it's what sets your writing apart.
Aww, shucks ChatGPT3.5, you’re an awesome editor too! Thanks for all the help today!

1 thought on “Day 8: Full Buck Moon Writing Prompt (Ritual)”

  1. Pingback: Day 9: Working on FOCUS – Jason Sandeman, R.S.E.

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